News - Part 2
15 Things to Do the Week Before College

Submitted By: Dr. Lynn Jacobs, Jeremy Hyman Conquering Crunch Time… The wait is almost over. In just seven days, your first semester of college will begin. Before you sit down in that first class, here are fifteen must-dos to guarantee you the best possible semester: 1. Figure out where you’re going and how you’re going…
Summer Camp Guide

ParentClick Camp Directory 2013 We have fabulous camps in Santa Barbara and there is truly something for every child. On, you will find a list of more than 150 camps, swim and tutoring programs! You will also find an event calendar filled with exciting summer activities including the libraries’ summer reading programs, concerts in…

Santa Barbara Essentials Now in the second year of presenting our Best of Santa Barbara Magazine issue, we continue on our quest to bring you our curated take on this incredible city.
Seen Around Town
Mother Daughter Night at Saks Saks Fifth Avenue turned into a glam spot after teaming with ParentClick for an evening of bonding between moms and teen-age daughters. founder Rachael Steidl explained, “The website has been around since 2002 and is a resource for parents of all socio-economic levels offering a broad range of information…
Local Women Business Owners Receive Spirit of Entrepreneurship Awards

And the 2012 winners are… Top honors go to Kathy Gruver, Karen Mora, Rachel Steidl, Carol Ashley, Darya Bronston, Merryl Brown, Kelly Jensen and Mindy Bingham Taking a lesson from the Academy Awards, the National Association of Women Business Owners-Santa Barbara Foundation honored women entrepreneurs in eight categories at its Spirit of Entrepreneurship Awards dinner…
Make Moving With Your Pets a Smooth Transition

Dear Inquisitive Canine, My husband and I will be moving across country in a few months (California to Pennsylvania) and we have 3 dogs that didn’t adjusted well to our previous move from Central California to Northern California. We are wondering what we can do to help ease their anxiety when packing up our home,…
“Amplified Ways of Being” and the Gifted Child

“Amplified Ways of Being” and the Gifted Child Cynthia Z. Hansen, M.Ed. It is clear that the term “gifted” seems to imply that folks with high talents feel blessed to have them. But this is not always true. The highly gifted artist is often keenly aware of the emotions of other people and the colors…