Category: Our Column
Summer Camp Guide

ParentClick Camp Directory 2013 We have fabulous camps in Santa Barbara and there is truly something for every child. On, you will find a list of more than 150 camps, swim and tutoring programs! You will also find an event calendar filled with exciting summer activities including the libraries’ summer reading programs, concerts in…
Summer Planning for your Family
In the April 18th issue of the Ventura Breeze, the section highlights Summer Activities, Camps, and Programs in and around Ventura County!
ParentClick Camp Directory View the ParentClick Camp Directory 2012 printed in the Santa Barbara News-Press Camp Guide.
Back 2 School

Find all the best Back 2 School resources! The ParentClick Directory can be viewed in the Daily Sound 2011 Guide!
Special Issue – Back 2 School Directory

The ParentClick Directory can be viewed in the News Press 2011 Guide!